Easter, Capitalism, and Backyard Nazgūl

Happy Easter! And hey, didn’t all the fake outrage over Biden naming the 31st as Trans Visibility Day illustrate exactly how many adults, like operating vehicles and everything, are out there who don’t know Easter is on a variable Sunday each year and not a specific date? And also, that it’s Trans Visibility day makes me laugh that there are all these folks out there muttering under their breath “shut up, dickhead, we’re trying to pass over here!” 10 of 10 all the way around.

We’ll go in the same order as the last post as I have updates on each.

I did finally send an email removing myself from the running of the position I got headhunted for and they almost immediately called to ensure they were not mistaken. Ugh… that was a whole couple of paragraphs that didn’t write themselves, folks? Here is a snippet:

“After much  thought I have decided to withdraw from consideration for this role. I have come to the conclusion that I would miss being the one personally leading a sales team and that an entirely sales operations role would not play to my strengths nor capture my interests. Additionally, as the role is entirely in office (thus requiring a daily commute of 2 hours for me) I find that too large of a time commitment away from my family. The worth of anything is the amount of your life spent on it, and for me the compensation I would need for that commitment is in excess of what would make sense for this role.”

Hope that underlying message conveyed.

Next up- the bird pitcher sold! $610 dollars to someone in California! I totally called it that this would be going to California.

The wheat hasn’t changed too much, but here is a closeup shot.

Verily we shall survive the Spring.

In chicken news: for sure one of the young ones is a rooster and I’m eyeballing the other one that it keeps chest-bumping with. So when my neighbor called me to say the dude she buys chickens from posted 3 Black Marans hens for sale (7-8 months each) I snapped them up so fast! No more of this “chicks turning into roosters or waiting for eggs” bullshit.

So there I was, driving an hour away, AGAIN, to go get chickens. But honestly, it was on a gloriously green and warm spring day, through rolling hills and ranches in Texas- a stunningly pretty drive. I even had to swerve slightly to avoid a rattlesnake crossing the road! Texas took it to 11 that day, is what I’m saying.

Funny thing about black chickens though: black chickens are terrifying looking.

These chickens don’t fuck around.

It 8,000 percent looks like I just added some Ringwraiths to my existing fat, jolly hobbit-like chickens.

I named one Nazgul, and a more appropriately named chicken has never existed. I was planningto name one Credenza, but like… not this lot, they are definitely not furniture-esque. The other two are named Crow and Carol.

As to how they are settling in… holy shit are the other chickens being racist right now. Or terrified. HOPEFULLY they’re just terrified because I REALLY don’t want to have to buy another waterer, you know?

Till next time!

2 thoughts on “Easter, Capitalism, and Backyard Nazgūl

  1. I laughed when I read “that was a whole couple of paragraphs that didn’t write themselves, folks?” because with the rise in AI, I now believe words to just write themselves. *sigh* It’s tough out here in the fields of academia these days.

    1. Oh that IS true! I guess the call was to confirm chatgpt hadn’t taken a prompt of “accept this job” and instead just spit out a fundamental takedown of all they hold dear.

      I find everything AI written to be as uncanny valley as those moving photographs from a year or so ago… but I suppose it will only get better and better… sigh

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