Thanks and Roosters

Quick thanks here for y’all being so reassuring about the whole Mac thing last week. You know that thing where your brain is of one opinion but your heart and body are like “nah, we’ve discussed it and we still feel like you should be anxious about this?” I had that going on for a few days but the nice messages helped get me over the hump about the whole thing.

I have word back from Mac’s new owners that her surgery went perfectly, she’s recovering beautifully, and that they and the vet staff love her to absolute bits. She’ll be okay.

And this one moved back in the day after Mac had left so, as far as the cats are concerned, nature is healing.

Also it turns out Mac was not the only pets we gave away last week. You remember when I said I thought one or two of the chickens might be roosters? Well. There was no crowing or fighting, so I wasn’t quite sure… so I sent pictures to my neighbor with chickens and she confirmed it… they were all roosters. All except Ricotta that is.

Peep. She He of the gross sinus thing and daily medicine there for a while is confirmed to be a boy. My neighbor said the curved tail feathers, literally giant feet, and thin saddle feathers guaranteed it- which I did know but we doing a really great job in being in denial about. Sigh.

Also Salem. Damn it! That was the prettiest damn chicken I’ve ever seen too!

And then Sugar. Not too sure we ever had to worry about this one fertilizing eggs though- someone get that chicken a designer handbag, stat!

But… back to the breeder they went. He had said they had four 2-3 month old splash and lavender orpington pullets to trade them out for, so I drove the 1.5 hours with a car full of roosters to go get them. Yeah no. When I showed up they only had ONE as they said the others were roosters, but had cinnamon queen pullets… and that whoops he mistyped and they were actually all 2-3 WEEK old pullets! Agggghhh I’m never going to actually get eggs again, am I? Chickens don’t start laying till they’re 5 months old. But alright, FINE! I’ll take the “barely bigger than chicks” pullets because I’m here after all. Ignoring the fact that cinnamon queens are just boring brown chickens again and that’s what I was trying to avoid.

He also gave me 6 instead of 3 since they were smaller than I had expected. And like, dude- that’s not how fucking any of this works but go ahead and give them to me. I told that to my daughter and she replied “what, are they supposed to stand on each other’s shoulders under a trenchcoat and pretend to be bigger?!” Which… hilarious, and yes, I guess that’s exactly it.

And guess what! Guess what I forgot! That 2-3 week old chicks can fit through our wire in the run! So they have to be caged within a cage! So fun. Funfunfunfun. It’ll be fine.

Let’s see, what else?

Someone tell the cat that isn’t how this toy works.

Our neighborhood had this water tower for years and years, looming over it. And as disreputable as it is we always kinda liked it. But this too is gone (just like Mac and the gay rooster) and got taken down last week. And I do kinda miss it.

The Super Bowl also happened last week and my husband made some awesome braised beef short-rib sandwiches for it- I have to share them.

Someone throw a shooting free parade for the husband and those sandwiches as they were the real winner that day!

Also must mention:

This line is INSANELY expensive (for me anyway) but this stuff is magic on dry hair. Like… I have fine wavy hair and my daughters have thick curly hair aside from the youngest, who has thin straight hair… and this stuff works for all of us! I had really needed something to help with my dry, frizzy middle aged hair and this was the ticket. And curly hair is inherently drier, so it worked for my older two as well. And then on my youngest we really haven’t had tangles since we started using it. I just bought the shampoo and conditioner as well… we’ll see if adding those in helps as well- I’ll report back on that soon. But as it’s a thing I am currently thrilled with I absolutely had to share it here!

And last but not least- my oldest got into the San Antonio campus (UTSA) for her CAP program… which that was a whole other nail biter in and of itself- but was the one campus she really wanted as the others were in Arlington (pass on Dallas area), Mcallen (wouldn’t be terrible I guess, but she didn’t want to live in the valley) or El Paso. So, now that we’re through that we start meeting with councilors, looking at dorms, and getting that sorted… unless she gets into Northwestern and in which case I better sell this giant painting for 10k to help pay for it.

Anyone want a giant original oil painting? Anybody? Is like financial aid.

4 thoughts on “Thanks and Roosters

  1. You have such a great way of turning challenges and the unexpected into hilarity!
    The cat picture and comment “cracked me up”. Saw the pic before reading caption and thought “ wow, Noelle taught the cat to fish!” But your depiction was so hilarious! ( yes, I know redundancy) but nothing else describes. Thanks for the laugh, long day traveling from SA to NYC and a great way to end a tiring day! LMAO!

  2. Sugar – LOL.

    Congrats to your oldest! How exciting!

    And boo about the chicken situation — although I guess getting double the chickens you didn’t want instead of the correct number of chickens you did want is… something????

    Those sandwiches are magnificent.

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